RIVERINA TRIPLEMIX COMBO CHAFF is a blended mix of lucerne chaff, oaten chaff and a small amount of molasses. This blending process is used to minimize fines and make the chaff more palatable.
RIVERINA TRIPLEMIX COMBO CHAFF is produced from hay or straw from a crop. Chaffing results in a fibrous flake approximately 2cm in width.
RIVERINA TRIPLEMIX COMBO CHAFF can be used as a source of fibre (roughage) in the diet of many animals. Chaff is widely used in horse and stud cattle rations. It can be used in feedlot rations although cost typically prohibits this.
Chaff can be included in diets for breeding and growing pigs as a source of fibre. In this instance only a small percentage would be required in the ration.
RIVERINA TRIPLEMIX COMBO CHAFF can be included in the diets of cattle, sheep, goats, horses and pigs as part of a balanced diet.
Use the following guidelines for maximum inclusion rates in the diets.