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Sunflower Oil For Cooking

We offer the following range of sunflower oils:

  1. Refined deodorized sunflower oil
  2. Unrefined sunflower oil
  3. Refined deodorized corn oil
  4. Refined deodorized soybean oil
  5. Refined deodorized olive oil (mix with sunflower oil)
  6. Professional frying oil


Our sunflower oil is fully natural with no additives. It is an important component of a healthy food. Excellent choice for frying, salads, sauces and other dishes.

HS CODE: 1512199101

100% Sunflower Oil Refined Deodorized Winterized Nutritional value per 100 g:

Fat – 99,9 g.
Polyunsaturated – 64,9 g.
Monounsaturated – 23,5 g.
Saturated – 11,6 g.
Vitamin E – 92.0
Energy 899 kcal
GOST R 52465-2005
Vegetable oil, Double refined, Grade A
Nutritional value per 100 g:
Fat – 99.9 g
Polyunsaturated – 64.9 g
Monounsaturated – 23.5 g
Saturated – 11.6 g
Vitamin E – 92.0 mg
Energy – 898 kcal
GOST R 52465-2005
There is a refining plant and deodorization plant at the facilities which allow obtaining high-quality vegetable fats. The refining plant makes it possible to process up to 280 tons of vegetable oil per day.
Oil undergoes all stages of refining:
  • Hydration
  • Neutralization
  • Bleaching
  • Winterizing
We keep constant technological and laboratory control over the product quality and over reagents used in these processes, supplementary deodorizing powders and bleaching earths at all production
stages. Production equipment was installed and brought into operation in 2004. When equipping the production line, the latest developments of the refining equipment manufacturer were used.
All these factors make it possible to receive high quality refined oil which goes to the deodorization plant for further refining. The deodorization plant is equipped with three independent lines of vegetable oil deodorization manufactured by Stroipischemash OJSC. Productivity of each line is 90 tons per day. Deodorization lines are fully automated that allows to eliminate human factor influence and to supervise correctness of technological process more thoroughly. Production laboratory, equipped in compliance with all standards and high level requirements to food production, provides constant control over the finished product and parameters of the whole technological process.
The finished products come to the Bottling Department where up to 250 tons of oil are processed per day. This department has up-to-date equipment allowing to produce PET bottles and to carry out oil filling and packing in the widest range of bottles. Oil is saturated with nitrogen in order to prevent its early oxidation and to preserve its consumer qualities for a long time. Oil is bottled in containers and packed in corrugated packaging.
The tankage of the enterprise allows storing oil in the following volumes:
  • Pressed oil – 8000 tons
  • Refined oil – 600 tons
  • Deodorized oil – 600 tons
There is a shipping facility at the enterprise that allows shipment of all kinds of products by railway in any season. Motor transportation division of the company delivers products to consumers anywhere the world.
The main products produced by Eastern Oil and Metal Group. The Company are high-quality universal vegetable oils suitable for cooking various recipes, products, conserves, sauces, usage in HORECA and in industrial food production.
Production facilities of the Company allow production of various oil sorts in wide prepackaging range.

We offer the following range of sunflower oils:

  1. Refined deodorized sunflower oil
  2. Unrefined sunflower oil
  3. Refined deodorized corn oil
  4. Refined deodorized soybean oil
  5. Refined deodorized olive oil (mix with sunflower oil)
  6. Professional frying oil
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