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Blackeye Beans


Blackeye Beans (sometimes referred to as Black Eyed Peas) have a smooth texture, pea like flavour and are good when mixed with other vegetables. Rice and peas is a popular dish in Jamaica and other Caribbean Islands. Texas caviar, another traditional dish in the American South, is made from black-eyed peas marinated in Italian salad dressing and chopped garlic, and served cold.

Like most beans, black-eyed beans are rich in soluble fibre, which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body. They are a good source of folate, potassium, copper, phosphorous and manganese. As a high-potassium, low-sodium food they help reduce blood pressure. Not only are they low in fat, but when combined with grains, beans supply high quality protein which provides a healthy alternative to meat or other animal protein. Beans also contain protease inhibitors which frustrate the development of cancerous cells.

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